Lord Shiva is one of the Tridevas. While Lord Brahma is considered the creator of the universe, Lord Vishnu is considered the preserver, and Lord Shiva is considered the destroyer.
In Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is called Haru, and Lord Shiva is called ‘Har.’ In religious texts, 24 incarnations of Hari (Lord Vishnu) are described, and 19 incarnations of ‘Har’ (Lord Shiva) are mentioned.
Many incarnations of Lord Shiva are described in Shiv Puran, but very few people know about these incarnations. Today, we are telling you about the 10 major incarnations of Lord Shiva. The list of 10 major Avatars of Lord Shiva includes– Mahakaal, Tara, Bal Bhuvanesh, Shodash Shrividyesh, Bhairav, Chinnamastaka, Dhumaavan, Dhumaavan, Matang, and Kamal Avatar.