Connect Freelancing Platform

Terms of Use

Connect ( is a freelance social media network platform for freelancing which facilitates both employers and freelancers worldwide. Connect ( aims to build a scam-free community to promote freelancing. Connect ( has made it possible to trust freelancers and employers over the internet worldwide. Connect ( is on the mission to build a platform that will create equal opportunities for everyone irrespective of caste, creed and nation. Our mission to create economic opportunities so people have better lives has taken us so much further. As a result, we’ve become the world’s work marketplace where everyday businesses of all sizes and independent talent from around the globe meet here to accomplish incredible things. Connect ( is focusing on building a productive ecosystem for the freelancing community. As Freelancers - we strive to live out and uphold the following values individually and as a collective self-discovery, growth, commitment, respect, empowerment, legacy and inclusivity.

Employers at Connect (

Connect ( provides all necessary tools to employers for professional and efficient job postings. Employers post jobs on their profiles that are automatically posted in the public feed. Employers may post jobs at:

  • Public feed

  • Employer’s Company Page

  • Official Jobs Page

  • Freelancing groups i.e Logo Designers

Employers are requested to post jobs that comply with the following guides:

  • Must contain a clear Job Description

  • Must contain the estimated budget for the Job

  • Should be well formatted

  • Employers should delete the job if they have hired the respective freelancer(s). 

Connect ( aims to build a safe and scam-free community for freelancing. In this scenario; Connect ( would suggest you hire verified freelancers only. Otherwise, in case of a scam, Connect ( would not be able to help you.

Freelancers at Connect (

Connect ( is empowering over one Billion Freelancers Worldwide by providing them a free, safe and scam-free freelancing platform. Scamming has become the most important issue in the freelancing community. Assignment accepts the challenge to build a scam-free platform for freelancing by taking an initiative to verify user-profiles and assign them blue ticks.

Steps to success:

  • Complete your profile with authentic and professional information about you.

  • Update your portfolio link in your profile settings and upload your appealing portfolio samples on your timeline.

  • Post daily some samples of your work that might inspire other freelancers and may attract employers.

  • Visit the Jobs Section and Job page frequently and be the first one to apply when a job is posted.

  • Share your Connect ( profile link on your social media profiles, i.e. Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram.

  • Update your social media bio and work experience status to get royalty values, i.e. Freelancer at Connect (

Connect ( Affiliate Program

Connect ( offers an affiliate program to assist freelancers with some extra income. Invite freelancers and employers and earn when they make a purchase at Connect ( Let’s join our hands together in building this scam-free and safe freelancing community for everyone. Get your personalised affiliate invite link.. 

Scam-Free Freelancing

Connect ( is on the mission to build a safe and scam-free ecosystem for freelancing. To eliminate scams and to build trust among Freelancers and Employers; Connect ( verifies users with a blue checkmark. Connect ( verifies a profile that has a real profile picture, real information and submits the following details:

  • National Identification Card (Government Issued)

  • Real face picture 

Assignment tracks users by keeping records of login sessions:

  • IP Addresses

  • Device Mac Address

  • Location

Connect ( has the right to ban the user profile and permanently blacklist all IP addresses associated with the spam account on finding a user who is even trying to scam or create spam in the community. Connect ( permanently bans blacklisted users and they would not be able to create new accounts in the future. Safety is the top priority at Connect (

Profile Verification

Employers and Freelancers are recommended to verify their profiles in order to get a blue verified badge and be trusted at Connect ( You need to submit the following information when applying at Connect (

  • National Identification Card (Government Issued)

  • Real face picture 

Connect ( does not share this sensitive data with the public but with law enforcement bodies when required. Click here to apply for verification.

Scam Reporting

Connect ( recommends dealing with only verified users in order to eradicate scams and build trust. However, if you deal with a verified profile and still get a scam then you may follow the below steps:

  • Note down the Username that can be found in the URL of the messenger. 

    • Sample URL: in this case “username” is the Username

  •  Write a detailed note on how you got scammed and file a case at your nearest police station or cyber crime department. Open the chat with the scammer and take a print of the chat by pressing Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P  (Mac). Mentioned User ID Number in the case.

  • Email a copy of the case at and mention the official police station email address

  • Connect ( will send scammers' data i.e CNIC and Picture via email to the cyber crime department and FIA.

  • User Data will be sent to only the Government Law enforcement bodies and not to any user.