Social media star Anjali Arora has taken legal action against news portals and YouTube channels for sharing a morphed MMS video of hers that went viral in August 2022. Actress Anjali Arora speaks out about her leaked morphed video and the impact it had on her life. Read the exclusive interview to learn about her experience and the challenges she faced. Find out 'Kachcha Badam' famed Anjali Arora has been in the limelight ever since her MMS went viral. The social media sensation who also shot to fame with reality show 'Lock Upp' recently talked about her Chudasi Indian Tiktoker Anjali Arora MMS video ko dekhe aur maza le. Anjali apne boyfriend ke sath kisi porn star ki tarah alag alag pose mein sex kar rahi hai. Anjali aur uska boyfriend masti mein alag alag style mein hardcore chudai kar rahe hai. Taange utha utha kar chudne mein ushe bahut anand aa raha hai. In a major development, Anjali Arora's fake MMS video is now under investigation. She has filed a defamation case against multiple publishing houses and YouTube influencers, who allegedly tarnished her reputation on social media. Times Now/ Telly Talk reached out exclusively to the Lock Upp fame who confirmed the news to us. MMS video controversy: Social media influencer and personality Anjali Arora took legal action against news portals and YouTube channels for disseminating a manipulated MMS video of hers, which gained widespread attention in August 2022. As per the reports, influencer filed a defamation case against multiple media platforms, alleging that they damaged her reputation by circulating the Lock Upp fame Anjali Arora has now taken legal action against her morphed MMS video which was circulated online earlier in 2022. According to latest reports, her PR team has some important update regarding the matter. Read on! 📺 Anjali Arora MMS Video Leak Controversy: Lock Upp Contestant Confirms Filing Defamation Case; Morphed Video Under Investigation. Anjali Arora has filed a defamation case over the
morphed MMS video which came out during her stint on Lock Upp. She confirmed the same but did not reveal details of the case. The said MMS was an adult video where Anjali's face was morphed to an adult star's. Explore Anjali Arora's leaked nude videos, trending OnlyFans content, and more viral adult videos. Anjali Arora's New Videos Latest Most Viewed Top Rated Longest Most Commented Most Favorited. 15:22. Anjali Arora Aka Anjimaxuofficially Viral Mms Xxx Porn Leaked 29K 78% 4 months ago Anjali Arora's New Albums Anjali Arora MMS Video: Keeping in mind the way people have been misusing AI for quite some time, it was only a matter of time before another social media personality fell victim to an AI